I wasn't going to do another blog about this, BUT, I got an awesome new camera for Christmas and figured I could probably get way better pictures this year. I got a Canon Rebel XTi. It's a DSL, the kind you can buy additional lenses for. I bought a cheap little screw on macro lens for taking really close up shots.
I'll be adding pictures from day to day of the process, just as I did last year on my butterfly blog.
June 29, 2008 - The butterflies were in the yard flying around the milkweed in my butterfly garden. They were obviously laying eggs because here is an egg on my milkweed plant. Female monarch butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed, the only plant monarch caterpillars can eat. The eggs are generally laid on the undersides of leaves one at a time. The eggs are very small, as you can see, and are white in color. The eggs will hatch in 3 to 6 days.

Within an hour the chrysalis hardens to become a protective shell for the caterpillar inside. Dramatic changes occur inside the chrysalis. The mouth parts must go from being those required for chewing (what the caterpillar needed to eat milkweed leaves) to what a butterfly will need: a straw-like tongue used for sipping nectar from flowers. And a creepy, crawling insect will become a flying insect, and what I think is one of the most beautiful insects on earth!July 21, 2008 - About 3:00 pm. It shouldn't be long now. You can see that the chrysalis is starting to become clearer. You can kind of see the veins in the wings if you look closely, and perhaps a bit of the butterfly body at the bottom.
July 21, 2008 - Just a few hours later at about 9:30 pm and you can see the colors of the butterfly's wings. I am guessing by tomorrow we will have our first butterfly!
July 22, 2008 - Taken at about 6:30 am. You can see that there is no green left at all this morning and the butterfly will be ready to emerge very soon! Lots of progress just from last night at about 9:30 pm.
July 22, 2008 - About 8:00 am, shouldn't be too long now!
July 22, 2008 - About 8:30 am - We have a butterfly!! I'll let her dry for a bit before I put her in the garden on a flower. You can tell she is a female because the males have one black spot on each wing and the webbing on the wings is much thicker in the females.
July 22, 2008 - 9:00 am. The process is complete, isn't she just beautiful!
July 22, 2008 - 10:00 am - She is opening and closing her wings to dry them off before she tries to fly for the first time.
July 22, 2008 - 10:00 am - Right after I took this last picture she flew away. What an exciting morning it has been.

All pictures and content on chevymom0.blogspot.com are the copyright of chevymom0@yahoo.com Please email me for permission to use.